The session of the Lviv City Council amended the comprehensive programme of support for the military by adding a decision on a one-time payment of UAH 50,000 from the city budget to those who are registered with the military in the Lviv community and have signed a contract with military units of the airborne assault troops and the navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
As explained by the Social Protection Department of the Lviv City Council, the procedure will stipulate that in order to receive this assistance, a soldier must apply to the Territorial Recruitment Centre (TRC), and then the head of this centre will submit the relevant package of documents for such payment to the Lviv City Council.
Anyone who has signed such a contact and is a resident of the Lviv city territorial community, including internally displaced people who are registered with the military in the Lviv community, will be able to receive assistance.
Earlier, on 12 January, the decision to pay UAH 50,000 was made at a meeting of the city’s executive committee. It was stressed that these troops – airborne and naval – have specific tasks to break through the enemy’s defences. “So if people come there on their own, consciously, then such motivation from the city is very important,” explained Colonel Serhiy Kuchynskyi, head of the Galician-Frankivsk Recruitment Centre in Lviv.
Oleksiy Bezhevets, a representative of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, also stressed that “all the means that allow us to properly man the forces with motivated people are great, and such initiatives from the city are good.”
As a reminder, at the end of 2023, Lviv developed a comprehensive support programme for war veterans and relatives of families of fallen defenders of Ukraine to help and support them as much as possible. This included many different areas: financial benefits, social and psychological assistance, medical treatment and rehabilitation, financial vouchers for business development, assistance in employment and education, recreation and leisure, etc. At that time, the session approved the programme, and this year the city allocates more than UAH 480 million for its implementation. The programme will run until 2026.