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Traffic will be streamlined at the intersection of Lubinska and Okruzhna streets in Lviv: a lane for public transport will be arranged there

On Lubinska Street, at the exit from the overpass and up to the intersection with Okruzhna Street, a 100-metre-long lane for public transport will be arranged.

The relevant decision was approved by the city commission for road safety the day before. The city’s Department of Safety and Street Infrastructure notes that this will reduce the number of traffic conflicts and improve the movement of both public and private transport at the intersection of Lubinska and Okruzhna streets.

As explained by the department, this is the third additional lane in the direction of the city centre, which is available only on this section of Lubinska Street. It will separate traffic flows before the intersection with Okruzhna Street, where there is already a dedicated lane for public transport.

“Okruzhna Street is a one-way street, with one lane for public transport and the other for private vehicles. Currently, drivers travelling in the left lane of Lubinska Street towards the centre are bumping into the bus lane at the intersection. They are forced to move into the left lane, causing inconvenience to other road users. To avoid this, the start of the public transport lane will now be on Lubinska Street. There, traffic flows will be separated and the traffic at the intersection will be more orderly and comfortable,” said Pavlo Sirvatka, Deputy Head of the Safety and Street Infrastructure Department of the Lviv City Council.

It is planned to arrange a lane for public transport on Lubinska Street by the end of July.

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