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At the session of the Sokal City Council, changes were made to the indicators of the community budget for 2022 and once again they did not approve the mayor Tartakov

The work of the XXVII session of the VIII convocation of the Sokal City Council has ended. The main issue considered by the deputies is the introduction of changes to the indicators of the budget of the Sokal city-territorial community for 2022.

During the session, many important issues for the community were considered and additional funds were allocated:

– for major repairs of the shelter (premises and water supply and sewage system) of the “Sokal district hospital” KNP – UAH 984,300.00;
– to ensure the operation of two “Caritas” shelters (for energy and food products) – UAH 117,330.00;
– for compensation for travel of certain categories of citizens in Sokal city council road transport – UAH 440,000.00;
– for the implementation of the Program for Assistance in Material and Technical Support of Military Units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine – UAH 1,144,510.00;
– for material support of the military unit stationed in the Chervonograd district – 1,260,000.00 hryvnias.
Expenses have been redistributed and clarified:
– for capital repair of the KZ SMR LO Physical culture and sports complex “Sokil” – UAH 1,000,000.00;
– for the current repair of the roof of the “Sokolyany” Junior High School – UAH 99,050.00;
– for the capital repair of the building (insulation of the facade) of the Spasivsky nursery-kindergarten on the street. Shashkevycha, 1 in the village of Spasiv – UAH 60,494.99;
– for the purchase of 5 generators with a capacity of 5.5 kW for 5 institutions of general secondary education – UAH 244,030.00;
– for the arrangement of shelters and the purchase of 2 gasoline generators for preschool education institutions in the city of Sokal and the village of Gravel, as well as materials for the installation of a path and food products for preschool institution No. 1 “Kalinka” in Sokal – UAH 485,370.00;
– for the purchase of 12 gasoline generators (2.7 kW) for preschool education institutions – UAH 322,500.00;
– for the purchase of windows and doors in the People’s Houses of Potoritsa and Boyanichi villages – UAH 36,310.00, as well as the purchase of one window in the centralized accounting department of the culture department – UAH 6,200.00;
– for the purchase of a generator for the boiler room of the People’s House in Sokal – UAH 185,200.00;

Deputies supported the optimization of the Sokalteplokomunenergo utility company, considered several land issues, granted permission for production and approved detailed plans of the territory.

The issue of approving the mayor of the Tartakiv district mayor did not receive enough votes.

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