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Volodymyr Kravtsiv, a resident of the village of Zaluzhany from Drohobych region, died in the Zaporozhye direction

Volodymyr Kravtsiv, a resident of the village of Zaluzhany of the Drohobych community, died while performing combat missions to protect Ukraine from the enemy.

Volodymyr Kravtsiv was born on July 27, 1985. Lived in the village of Zaluzhany, Drohobytsk community. He studied in the Zaluzhansk school in the junior grades, from the 5th to the 11th grade in Ryhtichy. He graduated from VPU No. 15 with a specialty in electricity, after which he went to serve in the army.

Volodymyr worked at the Drogobytsky Automobile Crane Plant, later as an electrician at the Drogobytskyi Bread Factory.

On March 16, 2022, Volodymyr received a summons and immediately stood up for the defense of Ukraine. Performed combat missions at front line positions as part of one of the units of the National Guard.

Unfortunately, on November 17, during a combat mission in the area of Novoprokopivka, Zaporizhia region, Volodymyr died.

Of his relatives, the Hero is survived by his wife, two sons, mother and sister.

The Drohobytsk City Council, its executive committee, Mayor Taras Kuchma and Council Secretary Orest Karakevich express their sincere condolences to the family, relatives, friends and relatives on the untimely death of the Hero – Volodymyr Kravtsiv.

We grieve together with you, we support you in the hour of sorrow.

The funeral convoy with the body of the fallen defender of Ukraine is expected to arrive on Thursday. The time of the Hero’s meeting, holding the memorial service, and the funeral ceremony will be announced in addition.

Eternal memory of the Hero!

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