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More than 16 million hryvnias from the regional budget were used to improve the energy efficiency of the territorial communities of Lviv region

The funds were allocated within the framework of the “Comprehensive Program for Improving Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving and Development of Renewable Energy in Lviv Oblast for 2021-2025”.

The objects owned by the territorial communities of the region have reconstructed 12 boilers with the installation of boilers on alternative types of fuel, the construction of a heat generator with the installation of a heat pump, reconstruction and major repair of 8 heating systems of public buildings and 3 heat networks.

The measures were carried out within the framework of the implementation of the “Comprehensive Program for Improving Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving and Development of Renewable Energy in Lviv Oblast for 2021-2025”.

According to the Department of Fuel and Energy Complex, 18 communities of the region participated in the program of the Lviv OVA. These measures from the regional budget financed 16 314 thousand UAH.

“At a time when the Russian aggressor cynically destroys the Ukrainian energy system, the introduction of such measures creates comfortable conditions in the premises of educational institutions and other institutions of territorial communities, saving thermal energy and replacing natural gas with alternative types of fuel,” the department added.

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