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The Lviv Regional Council today adopted decisions that will help preserve the environment

At the request of the Lviv Regional State Administration, the deputies of the Lviv Regional Council during a regular meeting held on 27.02.2024 supported the decision to declare 5 objects of the nature reserve fund, in particular

✅ virgin forest natural monuments of local importance “Sekul”, “Bagnuvata”, “Kichera Kropyvyna” and “Kiyovets” with an area of 159.2 hectares within the Skole Forestry Branch of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” and the Sambir Forestry Branch of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”;
✅ botanical reserve of local importance “Mokryi Dil” with the area of 21.8 hectares within the branch “Zolochiv Forestry” of the SE “Forests of Ukraine”.

These protected areas were created to preserve unique areas of remnants of indigenous natural old-growth forests as a habitat for rare biodiversity within the forestry of Lviv region and to preserve the only habitat of European erythronium (Erythronium dens-canis L.), which is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine with the conservation status of rare.

Granting the conservation status will help to ensure proper environmental protection, maintain the ecological balance of the territory, raise environmental awareness of the population, and limit activities that could damage or destroy them, and thus preserve them for future generations.

We would also like to inform you that the deputies supported the decision to increase the Katyn reserve tract by 4.0 hectares within the Sambir Forestry branch of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” in order to preserve primeval forest areas over 130 years old.

We are grateful to the scientists of the Danube-Carpathian Program, the Northern Podillia National Nature Park, and the M.M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, who conducted a survey of the Lviv region and, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine,” requested the creation of nature protection sites to preserve valuable areas of old-growth forests and conserve species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine.

Oksana Viytyk, acting director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources at the Lviv Regional State Administration, reminds us that the territories that have become protected areas today not only preserve valuable natural resources but also perform an important function for scientific research and environmental education.

I also believe that these territories will become a place where Red Book birds such as black storks can settle, because their habitats are centuries-old plantations without anthropogenic pressure.

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