On April 14, the purchase of the remaining two land plots for the life of the Pivnichnoy ob’iznoy of Lviv was completed, so that they could be built right.
We have lost two more, the supply of which for the suspіlnih needs will be at the court order.
Budіvnytstvo Pіvnіchnoї ob’їznoї doroga mіsta Lvov – the most large-scale infrastructure project for the Lviv region, and zreshtoy, і for the western region of Ukraine.
Usі work zdіysnyuvatimut for the cost of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ЄBRR) and the European Investment Bank (ЄІB) on the minds of spіvfinansuvannya. As such, the project meets the highest social, safety and environmental standards.
“The public road is an extremely important decision for the promotion of safety and efficiency of road traffic participants. Pivnіchny ob’їzd Lviv can be expensive and the most expensive category 1A. The total length of the highway is 23 kilometers. Ob’yzna prolyagatime uzdovzh forces of Birka, Zavadiv, Zashkiv, Gryada and to Malih Pidlіsok. This automobile road will allow the expansion of the Pvdenniy bypass of the city of Lviv, change the number of transit transport through the city and improve the environmental situation in the region. It is important that we have become one step closer to the implementation of this project from the Lviv Regional State Administration,” said Khrystyna Zamula, an employee of the Lviv Regional State Administration.