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Easter breakfasts prepared for people in need in Lviv

Today, on the day of Christ’s Resurrection, festive breakfasts were prepared for the needy residents of the Lviv community.

People were treated in two locations in the city: Ukrainian Catholic University and the branch of social work with the homeless of the Dzherelo Center. Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi shared a meal with the needy at the university.

The Easter breakfast for 150 needy community members was organized by the Social Protection Department of the Lviv City Hall in cooperation with the Ukrainian Catholic University. The guests tasted traditional Ukrainian Easter dishes: Easter cake, eggs, cheese, butter, meat dishes, stewed cabbage with meat, salad, beets with horseradish, sweets and broth. Breakfast was preceded by a joint prayer and the blessing of Easter cakes. By the way, Easter cakes and sweets were provided by local entrepreneurs, for which the city is sincerely grateful.

The Easter breakfast was also organized for fifty people who are homeless and use the services of the branch of social work with homeless people of the Dzherelo Social Services Center. They were treated to all the traditional Ukrainian Easter dishes: Easter cake, eggs, sausage, horseradish, borscht, soup, sweets and other food. Lviv’s religious communities, philanthropists and entrepreneurs, including the Good Deeds Corporation, traditionally joined in organizing the meal.

It should be noted that the Easter meal at the branch of social work with homeless people has been held every year since the opening of the institution.

“Every year we have a tradition of sharing the joy of Christ’s Resurrection with those who need love, warmth and attention. We have been organizing such breakfasts at Christmas and Easter for many years in a row,” says Oleksiy Nedilya, head of the Social Protection Department at Lviv City Hall.

The tradition of holding Easter and Christmas meals for people in need in Lviv has been going on for over 16 years. The Lviv City Council together with churches, religious and public organizations and communities, and all those who care, set the festive tables.

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