The city’s volunteer headquarters has launched a telegram channel with opportunities for forcibly displaced Ukrainians “Currently in Lviv.”
“This is a channel of opportunity in Lviv for internally displaced people. Ukrainians who found themselves in Lviv because of the war, here is the information for you! At the moment, there are many opportunities in Lviv, so grab your own and be on the topic, ”said the city’s Central Volunteer Headquarters.
In the channel of opportunities they plan to share such rubrics as #work, #housing, #leisure, #volunteering, #discounts. There is already information about interesting vacancies, including remote ones, free master classes for children and adults, as well as free city tours.
It should also be noted that a chatbot is being prepared in Lviv for internally displaced people – its launch is planned for the beginning of next week.
Link to the telegram channel: https://t.me/naraziulvovi.
Contact phone of the hotline – 032 254 6079.