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In Lviv, the construction of the industrial park “Formation Lviv” has started in the industrial zone “Sygnivka”

In Lviv, the construction of the industrial park “Formatsia Lviv” (Sygnivka) has started in the industrial zone “Sygnivka”. More than 150,000 square meters of industrial premises will be built here, and up to 50 small and medium-sized businesses will be involved, as well as up to 10 large manufacturing enterprises. In total, it is planned to create 3,600 new jobs.

“We focus on industries with high added value, on technological productions. We hope that this will be the best industrial park in Ukraine and it will become an ecosystem for manufacturing enterprises that will cooperate, coexist and develop here.

Now we are conducting a study of this area with urban planners so that the project fits organically into the district and the city, we are also investigating the issue of inclusivity, so that all premises are absolutely accessible to all categories of the population”, – said Dmytro Kovalchuk, founder of the management company of the industrial park LLP “Formatsia” Signivka” and “Alterra Group”.

The initiator of the creation of an industrial park in Lviv is the Lviv City Council. The Department of Investments and Projects of the Lviv City Council, together with the Kyiv School of Economics, developed the concept of an industrial park in the Signivka industrial zone. The city submitted documents for registration of the park in the unified register. In parallel, a competition was held to select a management company.

“The goal of the third industrial park in Lviv is to create additional high-quality areas for production. The concept lays down the main elements that will ensure the attraction and operation of high-tech production here. Also, the main core and feature of the project is the creation of a public center, which will include a research center with laboratories, a business incubator, a co-working space and a conference hall. It will provide wide opportunities specifically for science-intensive enterprises that will settle here and create jobs, provide additional taxes and added value.

Currently, the concept of the park includes a program to stimulate startups that can enter the industrial park on certain preferential terms. We also plan to attract grant funding to cover the cost of renting space for promising companies for a certain time, so that they have the opportunity to be located in the park’s production areas, use the public space, the incubator, and research laboratories, and at that time grow and develop. This is one of the programs that we are developing today in order to be able to attract new companies,” said Andriy Pavliv, head of the Lviv City Council’s Investments and Projects Department.

“Today, every workplace is important for our state, because it is taxes, it is a salary and it is the ability to finance the Armed Forces with one’s own money, and not rely on someone else. We launched Dragon Capital, Sparrov Park Lviv, and now the third municipal industrial park “Formation Lviv” is starting. It is about thousands of jobs. There will be work – there will be more force to beat the enemy,” said Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy.

Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Volodymyr Kuzyo noted Lviv as one of the cities where the city government actively promotes the development of industrial parks. After all, out of more than 70 registered industrial parks throughout Ukraine, only 10 are already functioning or are at the construction stage. And three of them are in Lviv.

“I am very glad that industrial parks in Lviv are opening, developing and expanding. This is important for the Ukrainian economy, because the reorientation from the export of raw materials to the export of goods and products manufactured in Ukraine with added value will give us the opportunity to support the state budget as well. We, on the part of the government, have foreseen next year a program to stimulate the development of industrial parks – up to 1 billion hryvnias, to enable the parks to connect to networks, launch production and establish residents,” said Volodymyr Kuzyo.

The deputy minister also emphasized that today the state should create conditions for the return of people from abroad home. This involves not only the provision of affordable mortgage loans, grants for business creation, but also the creation of new jobs. Industrial parks, in particular, will be able to offer these workplaces, modern working conditions, an innovative component, the availability of networks and transport logistics.

Before the start of construction, an art object – a stele with a star – was opened on the territory of the industrial park.

It should be noted that “Formatsia Signivka” LLC is part of the “Altera Group” group of companies, which has a successful experience in the construction of the PORT logistics center in Lviv, as well as production, logistics and office complexes in Kyiv and Dnipro.

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