Влада працює

An operational headquarters for the reception of refugees and a public organization for charitable contributions have been established in Sokal

In order to coordinate the work of all services and departments of the suburban council, an operational headquarters for the reception of refugees from areas where hostilities are taking place has been established.

Most refugees are settling in the private sector, as of March 7, 733 people living in the private sector have been registered, and 220 refugees have been settled in city council institutions. Mandatory requirement for all those who accept refugees: immediately register all migrants in the CNAP: 11 Tartakivska Street, and men also in the military registration and enlistment office.

Please join the food collection at the address: 66 Ukrainska Street (premises of the old hosiery factory), Heroiv UPA Street (premises of Caritas Charitable Foundation).

If you want to financially support the refugees, please transfer the charitable contributions to the account of the public organization “Territory We”.

Details for transfer of assistance:
Recipient code: 41235541
Recipient’s account: UA693052990000026005041016697

Bank name: JSC CB “PrivatBank”

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