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A new bus station was opened in Stary Sambor

On September 9, 2022, the grand opening of a new bus station took place in the city of Stary Sambir.

To the opening of the bus station in Stary Sambor were invited the deputy head of LOVA Yury Buchko, the head of Sambir RVA Ivan Ilchyshyn, the mayor of Star Sambir Ihor Trukhym, the head of Sambir ATP Ivan Romanyak and other dignitaries. Priests Father Ivan Bilyk and Father Mykhailo Nikolin consecrated the building of the new bus station.

The opening of the updated bus station will contribute to the improvement of comfortable conditions for passengers and travelers. In his welcoming speech, Mayor Ihor Trukhim emphasized that from now on, every resident and guest of the city and the community as a whole will have the opportunity to wait for the arrival of the bus in comfortable conditions, as well as to escort and meet guests with pleasure.

It should be noted that the renovated bus station is equipped with passenger platforms, a comfortable waiting room, ticket offices for carrier flights. The bus station will provide services to passengers of public bus routes.

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