De-Russification and decommunization measures are being systematically continued in the Drohobytsk community. Unfortunately, remnants of the communist past still exist in many settlements of Ukraine. Drohobych is no exception. In the city, the demolition of communist monuments and the renaming of Soviet street names were promptly undertaken, but the old architecture of the city in some places still contained remnants of the communist era.
A vivid example was the People’s House named after Ivan Franko, where the remnants of communism remained simply on the ceiling of the building. Here, around the main chandelier, a large Soviet five-pointed star was visible.
It was included in the list of objects that were subject to decommunization in the community, but the implementation of the works was delayed due to the high cost of the works.
According to Volodymyr Khanas, the head of the Department of Culture and Tourism Development, the dismantling of the star was previously included in the general project of the People’s House renovation. It was large-scale and expensive, which would be impossible to implement now, in the conditions of martial law.
So, after the survey, when it became clear that the dismantling of the object would not affect the soundproofing of the room, the stars decided not to delay the dismantling.
The high-rise works were successful – the star was removed from the ceiling, the ceiling itself was plastered, so the renovated People’s House is ready to receive visitors and hold further cultural and charity events without the remnants of communism.
We will remind you that in the Drohobytsk community there is a special commission on issues of de-Russification and renaming and assigning names to streets, alleys, parks, and squares within the boundaries of the Drogobytsk urban territorial community. In the course of the commission’s work, all Soviet names of streets and alleys bearing the names of prominent persons of Russian origin were renamed.
The decision “On the dismantling of communist symbols and components of monuments dedicated to those who died in the Second World War in the villages of Drohobytsk urban territorial community” was also adopted, which concerns the villages of Ranevichi and Novoshichi, letters were sent to the Ministry of Culture, and preparations are underway for the reburial of Soviet graves located at the intersection Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, and Sambirska Streets (the former “Eternal Flame” glory memorial) and in the village of Mykhaylevichi.