Легка атлетика

Rhythmic gymnasts of Lviv Oblast won 3 medals at national competitions

On the eve of this week, the Championship of Ukraine in rhythmic gymnastics ended in Uzhgorod.

A pleasant event for fans of rhythmic gymnastics in the Lviv region was the opportunity to cheer for the titled woman from Lviv, participant of the Olympic Games Khrystyna Pogranichna. It was the first start for the athlete after more than a year’s break. As a result, Khrystyna won the bronze medal.

At the same time, the team championship of Ukraine in rhythmic gymnastics was also held in Uzhhorod. Anastasia Yatsunda, coached by Iryna Ruda and Olena Matkovska from the “Nika” sports club, won bronze among gymnasts of the first category.

Yuliya Obukh, who is coached by Iryna Gabrylchuk at the “Bahira” sports club, won the bronze medal in the program of candidates for masters of sports of Ukraine.

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