For the third time, forcibly displaced Ukrainians are invited to free study tours in Lviv. “Lviv Meets” is a charitable cultural initiative of people who work in various institutions: the Association of Gallerists, the art center “I Gallery”, LCP “Heritage Bureau”, departments of LMD and others.
The program includes easy study walks through the streets, parks and art spaces of Lviv, so IDPs are invited to the third series of events.
Event schedule:
Tuesday, March 29
12:00 – Excursion “Walk through the streets of medieval Lviv” with Vadym Oliyarnyk. Duration – 1.5 hours. Pre-registration required for participants: https://forms.gle/sUg84mJgAmc6vstJ9
16:00 – opening of the exhibition “Road” in memory of Ostap Lozynsky. Meeting – Iconart Gallery, st. Armenian, 26. Duration – 1 hour.
Wednesday, March 30
12:00 – “Lviv: life in the territory of terror” – a street tour by Galina Viliyka, guide of the Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes “Territory of Terror”. Meeting – Svobody Avenue (near the monument to Taras Shevchenko). Duration – 1.5 hours.
14:00 – presentation “How to restore the post-war cities?”, Speaker Maria Kravchenko. Pre-registration required for participants: https://forms.gle/Aw6SZvgYcyDXazdJ8
16:00 – atmospheric classical music in the chamber hall of the Lviv Philharmonic. Meeting – at the entrance to the Philharmonic, st. Tchaikovsky, 7. Duration – 45 minutes. Pre-registration required for participants: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSeJ7wXkRFgQi…/viewform
17:00 – evening talk “Cultural Front: projects, creativity, humor, opportunities, sanctions during the war”: Pavlo Gudimov, Marta Trotsyuk, Olga Gonchar, Olesya Domaradzka, Vlodko Kaufman and Julia Sinkevich. Meeting – art center “I Gallery”, Shota Rustaveli Street, 8 (2nd floor). Duration – 1.5 hours.
18:00 – atmospheric classical music in the chamber hall of the Lviv Philharmonic. Meeting – at the entrance to the Philharmonic, st. Tchaikovsky, 7. Duration – 45 minutes. Pre-registration required: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScVe…/viewform
Thursday, March 31
14:00 – presentation “Digitalization of monuments”, speakers: Andriy Hryvnyak and Yuriy Prepodobny. Pre-registration required for participants: https://forms.gle/NvsuUsve1eFQBiq8A
17:00 – Lviv art for (non) Lviv residents. About the artist Vladimir Kostyrko. Conversation with Bohdan Shumylovych and Borys Filonenko. Meeting – art center “I Gallery”, Shota Rustaveli Street, 8 (2nd floor). Duration – 1.5 hours.
Friday, April 1
13:00 – author’s tour of Lesya Bablyak with an exhibition of war sketches in Ukraine: “Yellow and Blue Album”. Meeting – gallery “Green Sofa”, st. Armenian, 7. Duration – up to an hour.
14:00 – Golden String. Excursion from Natalia Tulina-Marunyak with recitation of poetry. Meeting – art center “I Gallery”, Shota Rustaveli Street, 8 (2nd floor). Duration – 1.5 hours.
16:00 – Art Walk from Lviv Art Guide. A walk through the galleries and a special performance. Meeting place – art center “Whirlwind”, st. Armenian, 35
Saturday, April 2
13.00 – tour of the exhibition of 35 forcibly displaced artists “When guns speak, muses are not silent”, curator Galina Otchich. Meeting – Madame Palmgren Art Gallery, st. Fedorova, 8. Duration – up to an hour.
15:00 – walk through the park of culture and recreation named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky with Pavel Gudimov and Alexandra Sladkova. Meeting – the main entrance from Vitovsky Street (near the arcade). Duration – 2 hours.
Sunday, April 3
14:00 – walk in the park “Walk” with Pavel Gudimov and Alexandra Sladkova. Meeting – stop “Walk” (final 1 tram). Duration – 2 hours.
16:00 – multimedia tour of the team of the Center for Architecture, Design and Urban Planning “Powder Tower”. Meeting – st. Bulk, 11. Duration – 1 hour. Contact phone number +380 (96) 396 52 11 (coordinator, Sofia).
Contact telephones:
+380 97 924 9792 art center “I Gallery”
+380 50 665 0603 Green Sofa Gallery