In the traditional evening address, the head of state talked about the main events of the past day.
“Today began with a meeting of the Stavka. Detailed meeting. We looked at the situation on operational lines, at each key point of the battles. Reported to the Chief, commanders, intelligence. There was a special report on the situation in Bakhmut, around the city and more than an hour long conversation. In fact, it was the topic of Bakhmut that became the main one for this Stavka.
I want to be frank in such topics. Unfortunately, there are many different disinformation messages. From those who can’t even hear completely closed conversations about defense, but say something about some alleged decisions on defense issues. Society must understand the meaning of our defense operations, the true meaning. Today at Stavka, I directly asked the commander of “Khortytsia” General Syrskyi and Chief Commander Zaluzhny about how they see the future defensive operation in the Bakhmut direction. Whether to retreat, or to continue the defense and strengthen the city. Both generals answered: not to retreat and strengthen. And this position was unanimously supported by the Stavka. There were no other positions.
I told Golovkom to find suitable forces to help the boys in Bakhmut. There is no part of Ukraine that can be said to be abandoned. There is no such Ukrainian trench in which the steadfastness and heroism of our fighters would be supposedly invaluable. The occupier kills for the mere fact that we are Ukrainians. For just one word about Ukraine. For our dream of Ukraine. For our life – the life of Ukrainians. And we destroy the occupier everywhere – wherever it gives a result for Ukraine. Bakhmut gave and is giving one of the greatest results during this war, during the entire battle for Donbas,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.
He thanked every soldier who is currently defending Ukraine.
“And I thank every soldier who fights in this most difficult direction. Who fights for all parts of our state, in all directions. We defend and will defend every part of Ukraine. The time will come – let’s liberate every city, every village of our state. And we will make the occupier answer for every shot against Ukraine, for every meanness against Ukrainians. If we can legally, then legally. A weapon means a weapon. Thanks to our unity, thanks to our determination, thanks to the fact that we value all of Ukraine and every Ukrainian, we know exactly the outcome of this war. We know from the first days of the war.
“Glory to Ukraine!” will always be heard in Ukraine. And millions will always answer: “Glory to the heroes!” It will always be like that. Ukraine will not forget the feat of each and every one whose lives forever gave freedom for Ukraine. A video appeared today showing how the occupiers brutally killed a soldier who bravely said to their face: “Glory to Ukraine!”. I want us all together, in unity, to respond to his words: “Glory to the hero! Glory to heroes! Glory to Ukraine!”. And we will find the killers. I thank everyone who is now fighting for Ukraine! Thank you to everyone who helps Ukraine. Eternal memory and respect to all those who gave their lives for the freedom of our people. Eternal memory and honor to all Ukrainian heroes of different times who dreamed and fought for freedom for Ukraine! Ukraine will win! Glory to Ukraine!” – stressed the President of Ukraine.