Tomorrow, Lviv will say goodbye to three Heroes who defended Ukraine

Tomorrow, December 23, Lviv will say goodbye to three more Heroes. Vasyl Lukashonok, Stanislav Hryhorash, Yevhen Yemets defended Ukraine from the Russian invaders. The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremonies and refrain from entertainment events and celebrations during this time.

The funeral service of Vasyl Lukashonka and Stanislav Hryhorash will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul, at 11:30 a city farewell ceremony will take place on Rynok Square.

The funeral service of Yevhen Yemets will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Garrison Church of St. App. Peter and Paul, at 2:30 p.m. – city farewell ceremony on Rynok Square.

Heroes will be buried at the Lychakiv cemetery.

Route of funeral processions: Garrison Church of St. App. Peter and Paul UGCC (Tetralna Street, 11) – sq. Cathedral – square Rynok (city farewell ceremony) – str. Ruska – st. Basement – str. Volodymyr Vinnichenko – square Soborna – st. Pekarska – st. Shimzeriv – str. Mechnikova – Lychakiv cemetery.


Biographical references of Heroes


Vasyl Lukashonok (November 4, 1979-November 12, 2022) was born in Stebnyk, Lviv region.
He studied at the Stebnytskyi secondary school of grades I-III No. 18. He graduated from the Faculty of History and Ukrainian Philology of Kherson State University.

After completing his studies, he served in the army. In peacetime, he worked in law enforcement agencies and private firms. Subsequently, he was a senior inspector of the economic security service of the “Sonata” hotel.

In 2014-2015, he performed tasks in the east of Ukraine, participated in the battles for Debaltseve.

For personal courage, he was awarded the badge of the National Guard of Ukraine “For Valiant Service”.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion of Russia, he returned to the ranks of the National Guard. He fought against the occupiers as part of the 2nd special purpose battalion “Donbas” of the 15th separate Slavic regiment of the Eastern operational-territorial unit of the NSU.

Vasyl Lukashonka is survived by his mother, wife and son.


Stanislav Hryhorash (April 23, 1974-March 19, 2022) from Lviv.
Studied at the Communal Institution of the Lviv Regional Council “Chervonograd Secondary Boarding School of I-III Degrees”. He graduated from the Lviv Higher Professional Art School with a specialty of “painter-plaster”.

After completing his studies, he served in the military. Since 2014, he has performed combat missions in the area of the Anti-Terrorist Operation/Joint Forces Operation.

For the heroism shown during the defense of the state, he was awarded the award of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely the “ATO Participant” badge.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, he defended the Motherland in the ranks of the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Stanislav Hryhorash is survived by his wife, son, daughter, two sisters and nephews.


Yevhen Yemets (October 9, 1987-December 5, 2022) was born in Energodar, Zaporizhzhia region.
Studied at the Energodar Educational Complex No. 1 of the Energodar City Council of the Zaporizhia Region. During his studies, he was actively involved in boxing and became a candidate for master of sports of Ukraine.

In 2005, he entered the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, majoring in Law Enforcement. He served in the military at the academy.

In peacetime, he lived in Lviv and worked in the security sector.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he voluntarily joined the ranks of the territorial defense. Fought the occupiers in the ranks of the 125th separate territorial defense brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Yevhen Yemets is survived by a sister and two sons.

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