Tomorrow the Lviv community will say goodbye to defender Taras Kryshtal

Tomorrow, August 13, the Lviv community will say goodbye to military serviceman Taras Kryshtal, who defended Ukraine from the Russian invaders. The funeral service will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the church of St. Mykolaya in the village of Podbirka (68, Metropolitan H. Yachymovycha St.). The defender will be buried at the local cemetery.

The Mayor’s Office calls on residents of the Lviv community and guests to join the Rite of the Soldier’s Funeral and refrain from entertaining events and celebrations during this time.

Biographical certificate of the defender

Taras Kryshtal (September 21, 1978-August 10, 2023). A native of the village Selections of the Lviv region.

He graduated from the Pidbirtsiv Lyceum of the Lviv City Council. He also studied at a music school. He received his higher education at the Lviv University of Trade and Economics.

In peacetime, he worked in trade and construction.

According to relatives, he was an exceptionally good friend. Loved music.

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he voluntarily returned from abroad and stood up for the defense of the Motherland as a part of the 3rd operational brigade named after Colonel Petro Bolbochan of the Eastern operational-territorial unit of the National Guard of Ukraine.

He participated in the battles for Bakhmut, where he was wounded. After treatment, he returned to the military unit.

Taras Kryshtal is survived by his wife, two daughters, a brother and a sister.

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