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Lupine is a genus of flowering plants of the legume family. Another Ukrainian name is “wolf” or “wolf bib” (German Wolfsbohne)

Lupine seeds have a high protein content (up to 50%) and up to 10% fat. Oil extracted from seeds is not inferior in value to linseed oil.

It is widely used in cosmetology (it has an antioxidant effect – to fight wrinkles) and for therapeutic purposes in case of sunburn and allergic reactions.

Lupine beans are widely used in cooking. Add to soups, marinate, grind into flour. In Australia and some European countries, ground lupine is added to confectionery and bakery products. In Germany, lupine seeds are used to make low-calorie ice cream. In Indonesian and Japanese cuisine, lupine is part of such traditional and favorite dishes as tofu, miso and soy sauce.

Lupine is a siderate plant, which is used in the agricultural sector to improve soil quality, enriches the soil with nitrogen. Its use as a green fertilizer allows you to keep the environment clean, save expensive fertilizers, and grow ecologically clean products.

Lupine is also used in medicine, preparations are made from all parts of the plant – leaves, flowers, seeds and roots. Contains the amino acid arginine, which helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. It acts as a prebiotic, so it improves the health of the colon.

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