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In Lviv, they began to dismantle the rubble of a building on Svoboda Avenue: the owner of a neighboring building will finance the emergency works

On Svobody Ave., 23, debris was removed: emergency works will be financed by the owner of a neighboring house

The city received a conclusion regarding the need to carry out emergency emergency measures in building No. 23 on Svobody Ave., in which the wing part collapsed on August 26. As reported by Iryna Marunyak, the deputy mayor of Lviv for housing and communal services, the works have already begun, and they will be paid for by Freedom Avenue LLC, which is the owner of the neighboring building No. 21.

“There was a large overhang on the roof – we have already taken it away. Currently, the disassembly of the wing part of the wall to the level of the first floor is underway. The wall is being dismantled brick by brick because all safety rules must be observed,” says Iryna Marunyak.

According to her, the reasons for the destruction of the wing part of building No. 23 were also indicated in the received conclusion on the implementation of priority emergency measures. First, approximately in 2014-2015, the wing of building No. 21 on Svobody Ave. was dismantled. After this dismantling, it was necessary to strengthen the wall of building #23 with metal ties. And this was not done.

Secondly, after the dismantling of the outbuilding in building No. 21, due to rains and melting snow in winter, the wall of the building was constantly washed away, so this led to destructive processes in it. Thirdly, the construction company, which carried out repair works in house #21, began their implementation with violations – a lot of soil was selected, which led to the washing away of the foundation of the wall of house #23.

“As of today, a tripartite agreement has been concluded between the management company “Eysberg”, “Freedom Avenue” LLC and the contracting organization that performed work in building #21, for the performance of priority emergency work in building #23. These works are carried out at the expense of Freedom Avenue.

We are negotiating the next steps. Now the residents of building No. 23 do not live in it. We are waiting for the conclusions of the experts, when residents will be able to return to their apartments. Let me remind you that these are residents of 11 apartments. These apartments are not damaged, but it will be necessary to ensure safe movement around the house.

Regarding the three apartments that were destroyed, according to the conclusions of the planners, we will consider two options: the possibility of restoring the destroyed apartments, or relocating the residents to another, new housing,” the official added.

We will remind you that on the night of August 26, a part of the building at 23 Svobody Ave. collapsed. The destruction occurred in 3 apartments from the side of the inner courtyard: one apartment was completely destroyed, two – partially. There was also complete destruction of 2 non-residential premises with a total area of ​​80 square meters.

The probable cause of the collapse was the performance of repair work in the neighboring building at 21 Svobody Ave., Freedom Avenue LLC. The permit for repair work was issued to them by the State Architectural and Building Inspection of Ukraine on May 17, 2021.

Both buildings – 21 and 23 – are architectural monuments of local importance.

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