The season for burning dead wood, leaves and other weeds begins in autumn. But such actions in Ukraine are subject to administrative and criminal liability.
In which cases you can get off with a fine, and when you face restriction or imprisonment, lawyers of the free legal aid system explain.
For burning stubble, meadows, pastures, areas with vegetation, or its residues and fallen leaves on agricultural land, in the right-of-way of roads and railways, in parks, other green spaces and lawns in settlements without complying with the procedure established by the central executive body, violators face a fine of UAH 3060 to UAH 6120. The official will have to pay a fine of UAH 15300 to 21420.
For damage to forests, green spaces around settlements, along railways, as well as stubble, dry wild grasses, vegetation or its remains on agricultural land by fire or other generally dangerous means, offenders face criminal liability. It provides for a fine of UAH 91800 to 153000, restriction of liberty or imprisonment for a term of 2 to 5 years. If people or animals died in such a fire, or if the fire caused other serious consequences, the law provides for imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years.
Since Ukraine is under martial law, the burning of dead wood can be equated to sabotage. In March 2022, the Rada amended the Criminal Code to increase liability for crimes against the foundations of national security under martial law. The list of crimes in Article 113 “Sabotage” was expanded to include intentional arson, including dry vegetation. Thus, arsonists can be imprisoned for 15 years or imprisoned for life with confiscation of property for burning dry grass under martial law.