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Happy Day of Defenders of Ukraine!

Today we also celebrate the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God – patroness of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

We sincerely congratulate the soldiers, veterans of war and military service, participants of the Ukrainian liberation movement, defenders of the native land on Defender of Ukraine Day.

A low bow and respect to all those who at different times sacrificially stood in defense of our Motherland. Today we thank everyone who courageously defends his native land from enemies. We are proud of your patriotism, courage and strength.

May the Lord protect each and every defender, and may the Most Holy Mother of God protect them under her Protection!

Eternal memory to those who gave their lives for the independence of Ukraine, you will forever remain an example of sincere love for Ukraine in our memories and hearts.

I sincerely wish all of us Victory, good health and a peaceful sky!

Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine!

Sincerely, the editorial office of the Voice of Sokal Region!

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