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Traffic Controller Gestures: Rules and Meanings

Explanation of Traffic Controller Gestures for Road Users

We remind you what the traffic controller’s gestures mean☝🏻

Basic Road Traffic Rules

Here are the traffic rules followed by patrol officers👇

  • 8.3 The signals of a traffic controller take precedence over traffic lights and road signs and must be complied with.
  • 8.8. Traffic controller signals. The signals of a traffic controller are the position of their body, as well as gestures with the arms, including with a baton or disc with a red reflector, which have the following meanings:

Meanings of Traffic Controller Gestures

  • a) Arms extended to the sides, lowered, or right arm bent in front of the chest:
    • from the left and right sides — trams are allowed to move straight, non-rail vehicles — straight and to the right;
    • pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway behind and in front of the traffic controller;
    • from the direction of the chest and back — movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited.
  • b) Right arm extended forward:
    • from the left side — trams are allowed to move left, non-rail vehicles — in all directions;
    • pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway behind the controller;
    • from the front — all vehicles are allowed to move only to the right;
    • from the right and back sides — movement of all vehicles is prohibited;
    • pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway behind the controller.
  • c) Arm raised up:
    • movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited in all directions.

The traffic controller may give other signals that are clear to drivers and pedestrians. If a traffic controller is present on the roadway, it means you must adhere to their signals. They take precedence over traffic lights and road signs and must be complied with by all road users: drivers, pedestrians, cyclists.

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