Subject to sheet v.o. Director of the State Enterprise “Agency for the Identification and Registration of Animals” dated March 27, 2024 No. 503/12-10, we inform you that changes were made to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 15, 2024 No. 300 and to the Procedure for the allocation of funds transferred from the state budget to support farming states and other producers of agricultural products, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 16, 2022 No. 918 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).
It has been reported that the producers of budgetary funds and farm kingdoms and other producers of agricultural products, who are in power from three to one hundred heads of great horned thinness (cows) from five to five five hundred heads of breeding stock, cattle and/or sheep , identified and registered in accordance with the law.
Budget money is being given to the people looking for:
special budget subsidy for the reduction of great horned thinness (cows) of all direct productivity on the skin cow, which is in the power of the breeder, identified and registered according to the legislation of the country on the date of filing the application in Russia ірі 7000 hryvnia per cow;
special budget subsidy for the maturation of breeding stock and/or sheep for the cutaneous head, which is under the control of the breeder, identified and registered according to the legislation of the country on the date of filing the application in the amount of 2 000 hryvnia per head of kiz and/or sheep.
An application for the allocation of budget funds is submitted through the programmatic means of the State Agrarian Register after notification to the State Agrarian Register of the announcement about the beginning of accepting applications from 1 month to 30 months of the ongoing budget period.
Investment management and economic development of the DMR