Preferential lending, subsidies and compensation to farmers: the results of the implementation of the Comprehensive Program this year
In 2023, 45.1 million hryvnias were allocated from the regional budget for the implementation of the Comprehensive Program for the Support and Development of Agriculture for 2021-2025.
This is 1.8 times more than in 2022. The funds of the regional budget were used in full and directed to the development of 167 micro, small and medium-sized business entities in the following areas:
reimbursement of interest for maintenance of financial leasing contracts
preferential lending for the implementation of business plans for current expenses (under 5%)
preferential lending for the implementation of business plans for the creation of objects with added value (under 3%)
partial compensation of the cost of seeds
subsidy for increasing the number of cows
budget subsidy per unit of arable land in the field of organic production
As a result:
reduced in price by 45.5 million hryvnias. involved leasing funds;
a subsidy in the amount of 22.4 million hryvnias was provided. for an increase of 747 cows;
the cost of purchased seeds for the sowing area of 598 ha was reduced, of which buckwheat – 300 ha, vegetables – 238 ha;
25 borrowers will receive UAH 18.1 million. loans to support current activities and to invest in agricultural products storage and processing facilities;
budget subsidy per unit of cultivated land in the field of organic production in the amount of UAH 0.6 million allowed to maintain the production of certified organic products on an area of about 500 hectares.
“In 2023, the largest financial resource was allocated from the regional budget in the entire history of programs for farmers of Lviv region. In addition, farmers received UAH 88.5 million from the state budget as part of the “eRobota” program. and international technical assistance UAH 76.7 million. we see a sure trend of increasing SFG and the number of cows in business entities. We also joined the support of agriculture in 8 territorial communities, which allocated UAH 2.8 million from local budgets. financial resource” – noted the director of the department of agro-industrial development Tetyana Hetman.
More detailed information on the results of the Comprehensive Program can be found in the infographic.