From the city of Sokal on March 3-4 there will be buses of the following routes to the villages:
Sokal-Stenyatyn (with arrival in Royatyn) 7.30-8.10, 12.50-13.30, 17.20-18.00
Sokal-Knyazhe (Spasiv) 6.35-7.30. 13.35-14.30. 16.35-17.30
Sokal-Varyazh 6.00-7.00. 16.20-17.00
Sokal – Sukhovolya 7.45-8.10, 18.00-18.30
Sokal-Khorobriv-Uhryniv 6-30-7.30. 17.15-18.00
Sokal – Ulvivok 6.45-7.25, 12.00-12.40. 17.00-17.40
Sokal – Zubkiv 7.00-7-45 and 17.00-17.40
Sokal-Peretoki. 6.55-7.35. 18.30-19.15
Sokal-Tudorkovichi (Voyslavichi) 6.50-7.40 14.50-15.40 17.40-18.30
Route № 550 Lviv-Chervonohrad-Sokal is open on March 3-4. The first flight from Sokal – 6.00, the last – 18.24. The first flight from Lviv – 8.30, the last – 20.30
Andrey Turkolyak – the deputy of Open Company “Autoline” reported about movement of buses