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A 5-year-old girl got lost in a Lviv supermarket – patrol officers helped find the child’s father

The other day, the Patrol Police of the Lviv region received a report that citizens found a lost child in one of the supermarkets.

Inspectors Oleg Pogaraty and Taras Dyakiv arrived at the specified address. The guard pointed to the confused girl. The patrolmen calmed her down and 5-year-old Sofiyka immediately contacted them. She gave her details, but did not remember where she lived.

While the child’s parents were being established, the girl was put in an official car. Relatives were searched.
Sofiyka was taken to the police station. The kids bought juice and gave her a phone so she could watch cartoons).

Later, the case was handed over to the juvenile police, who held a preventive conversation with the parents. Oleg and Taras, thank you for your service.

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