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Recommendations for changes to legislation in the field of road safety were presented in Lviv

At the All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum in Lviv, they discussed changes to the legislation on liability for traffic violations.

Mykola Ilchuk, an advocacy expert of the “For Safe Roads” campaign, presented the developments in this area.

These recommendations include, in particular:

  • formation of not only general, but also special restraints aimed at preventing repeated violations;
  • expanding the types of sanctions for traffic violations. Currently, there are no penalty points or corrective programs in the legislation. And there are also no regulations regarding alcolocks, while there are such regulations in the legislation of other European countries;
  • gradation of penalties for speeding with the start of imposing fines for speeding by 10 km/h instead of 20 km/h, as it is now;
  • refusal of a 50% discount on fines fixed in automatic mode.

He added that speed not only affects the number of road accidents in cities, but also restrains the development of micromobility. And, in addition to well-thought-out infrastructure, effective mechanisms of responsibility also help to get closer to the ideals of Vision Zero.

The Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of the LMR supports these proposals. But, after detailed elaboration of these recommendations by the parliamentarians, they are called to be implemented in the Ukrainian legislation.

The campaign “For safe roads” was launched back in 2016 by the Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law together with the NGOs “Vision Zero” and “U-Cycle”. On their initiative, several changes were made to the legislation of Ukraine, including lowering the speed limit in cities to 50 km/h, as well as increasing fines for not using seat belts and motorcycle helmets to UAH 510.

The All-Ukrainian Urban Mobility Forum will take place in Lviv on April 26-28. Based on the results of the forum, a resolution with proposals for amendments to the legislation will be formed, which will be submitted to the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure for consideration.

The organizers of the event are the department of urban mobility and street infrastructure of the Lviv City Council and the project “TUMIVolt – urban mobility from renewable energy sources” of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), financed by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The co-organizer of the event is the NGO Vision Zero.

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