Новини культури

A unique art project involving blind people will be presented in Lviv today

Today, on 14 October, a unique inclusive charity project that has no analogues in Europe will take place on the stage of the Maria Zankovetska National Academic Theatre.

Professional singers and blind soloists – children and adults from all over Ukraine – will perform on the same stage for charity.

“This concert will feature blind children and adults accompanied by the orchestra of the Maria Zankovetska National Theatre and the Piccardia Tertsia Foundation, the winners of the talent show The Voice of the Country Zinoviy Karach and Sergey Lazanovsky, People’s Artist of Ukraine Lesya Gorova. Live sound, expression, drive and unforgettable emotions are guaranteed. The concert will open up a completely different world to the audience – sincere, in love, inspired, kind, honest, frank, inspiring,” says Oksana Potymko, the founder and producer of the project.

The programme includes tunes by Volodymyr Ivasyuk, Ihor Bilozir, Bohdan Vesolovsky, Myroslav Skoryk, Kuzma Scriabin, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, Stepan Huminilovych, Yaroslav Barnych, Volodymyr Yakymets, Yaroslav Nudyk – Lviv retro and modern tunes by Lviv performers.

The hosts are People’s Artist of Ukraine Lesia Bonkovska and Vira Semkiv, a blind student of the Lviv Music Lyceum named after S. Krushelnytska. The founder and producer of the project is Oksana Potymko. Participation of all performers is free.

The funds raised during the concert will be used for a mobile camp for blind children and soldiers who lost their sight as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The camp will be run by specialists from the Lviv regional branch of the Ukrainian Union of People with Disabilities – USI.


– 17:30 – 18:30 – interviews with the concert participants for the media (service entrance to the theatre, dressing rooms);

– 19:00 – concert.

Contact person for the media: Oksana Potimko, (097) 2440684.

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