This year, the Adoption Day forum was held for the first time at the Orphan Care Center. It was organized to tell prospective foster parents, adoptive parents, adoptive parents, and anyone interested about how to adopt a child into a family, as well as share their own experiences. This was reported in the city office “Service for Children”.
“Welcoming a child into a family is a huge responsibility. Children are different. There are no perfect parents or children, we all make mistakes at times, so don’t be shy to ask for help and come to us. We are grateful to the speakers for their stories and to the mayor’s wife, Kateryna, for attending our event and supporting such initiatives,” said Mr. at. Volodymyr Frydrak, head of the “Service for Children” department of the LMR.
The forum was attended by a mother-educator, a foster mother and a boy who was a pupil of a family-type orphanage. They told stories from their experiences and how, despite the difficulties, they do not regret the decision they made.
“Don’t get your hopes up. I really wanted a daughter and imagined how I would tie bows for her and how polite she would be, – mother-educator Inna Kryvko shared her impressions. – But it happened differently. The child was severely traumatized, and it took us years to help her. Don’t expect your child to say “thank you” right away. Just give her your love, support her and move forward together, overcoming obstacles.”
To learn more about forms of family upbringing, there is a series of articles on adoption, custody and care, foster family, family-type orphanage. You can also ask for additional advice at the “Service for Children” office by phone: 235-40-40, 297-58-83, and at the district departments of “Service for Children”:
– department “Service for children” of Halytskyi district: st. F. Lista, 1, room 213, 214, tel. (032) 254-61-42, (032) 254-61-41;
– Department “Service for Children” of the Railway District: str. Vyhovsky, 34, room 220, 221, tel. (032) 254-68-40, (032) 254-68-41, (032) 254-68-42;
– department “Service for children” of Lychakiv district: str. Kostya Levitskoho, 67, room 207, 208, 218, tel. (032) 254-62-40, (032) 254-62-41, (032) 254-62-42;
– department “Service for children” of Sykhiv district: 66 Chervonoi Kalyna Ave., room 308, 313, tel. (032) 254-65-40, (032) 254-65-41, (032) 254-65-42;
– department “Service for children” of Frankiv district: str. Generala Chuprinka, 85, room 305, 306, tel. (032) 254-69-40, (032) 254-69-41, (032) 254-69-42;
– department “Service for children” of Shevchenkiv district: str. 11 Lypynskogo, room 419, 420, 422, tel. (032) 254-67-40, (032) 254-67-41, (032) 254-67-42.