XXII international festival of modern improvisational music Jazz Bez will be held in Lviv. The focus of the festival is the topic of cultural relocation. Well-known performers from Poland, Argentina, Belgium and Ukraine, as well as future musicians, will be on stage. The program includes events for different age categories.
The international festival of modern improvisational music Jazz Bez, which takes place simultaneously in Poland and Ukraine, is a landmark event for Lviv. The festival was founded in 2001 by the “Dzyga” art association. Since its inception, the festival has taken place every year, even during revolutions in Ukraine or a pandemic. This year – the year of the war – was no exception.
This year, the festival will take place on December 2-6, but there is a wide pre- and accompanying event program starting at the end of November – with a training-lecture “Being bold, especially on stage” and an open rehearsal of students of the Lviv Academy of Music who are preparing to perform within XXII Jazz Bez. And then there are lectures and music workshops at America House Lviv, ethno-jazz with Usein Bekirov at the Dzyga art gallery, an evening of current Polish improvisational music with Jazz Forum Talents, a solo program by the Belgian pianist Ivan Paduart, battle trumpet players with a guest from Argentina, Sebastián Greschuk, an open-air “Jazz Relocation” concert in Markiyan Ivashyshin’s chapel.
The main theme of this year’s festival is relocation in Ukrainian culture. That is why there will be more educational projects and a special concert “Jazz Relocation”. Also for the first time – Jazz Bez Kids: this is a special program for the youngest, prepared together with Iryna Vakulina, conductor, manager of artistic projects, co-founder of the TEMPO Music Development Center. Another component of this year’s program is Jazz Bez Junior – a separate performance with students of the Jazz Department of the Academy of Music named after M. Lysenko.
“For more than two decades of existence, Jazz Bez has never stopped – it was a stage for international support and the voice of new music of the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity, a place of important meetings and the birth of new ideas in 2000, 2010, 2020… We are convinced that the power of culture, the great power of art, is overwhelming even in difficult times of war. Despite the difficulties, for the sake of victory – we unite and create, because we believe in our beautiful future”, – emphasizes art director, host of the festival Marta Bilska.
ХХІІ Jazz Bez is embodied by the Institute of Cultural Strategy and the public association “Virmenska 35” with the support of America House in Lviv, the Polish Institute in Kyiv and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv. More details and news coming soon on the Jazz Bez Facebook page.
Meanwhile, traditionally – despite the war and in spite of the war – the music of the free will be heard in other cities of Ukraine (Rivne, Drohobych, Uman), as well as in Poland (Peremyshl). Some other cities in both countries are considering hosting concerts.
XXII Jazz Bez
international festival of current improvisational music
Lviv, November 28 – December 4
Monday, November 28
2:00 p.m. — Jazz Bez art director Marta Bilska’s training lecture “Being brave, especially on stage” for students of the jazz and popular music department of the National Academy of Music named after M. Lysenko / LNMA named after M. Lysenko
4:00 p.m. — Jazz Bez Junior, open rehearsal of students of the jazz department / LNMA named after M. Lysenko
Tuesday, November 29
17:00 — Educational excursion for children and teenagers to Mykhailo Balog Music School Vedel School / Vedel School
Wednesday, November 30
18:00 — Evening of memories “Markiyan Ivashyshyn: significance and influence” by America House Lviv and the Institute of Cultural Strategy / America House Lviv
Thursday, December 1
14:00 — Lecture by Marta Bilska “Choosing to be free” / LNMA named after M. Lysenko
18:00 — Practical lecture and master class for brass “Comparison of American and European musical trends in 2022” by jazz trumpeter Yakov Tsvetinsky / America House Lviv
Friday, December 2
19:00 — Evening of Crimean Tatar culture and concert of Usein Bekirov’s quartet / Dzyga art center
Saturday, December 3
11:00 — Scientific and educational “JazzForum” / LNMA named after M. Lysenko
1:00 p.m. — JazzBezKids, an interactive class for IDP and local children led by Iryna Vakulina / Dzyga art center
17:00 — Concert by students of the jazz department of the Music Academy Jazz Bez Junior. Master classes of star guests of the festival / LNMA named after M. Lysenko
19:00 — Ivan Paduart (Belgium) and Jazz Forum Talents (Poland) / “Dzyga” art center
Sunday, December 4
1:00 p.m. — JazzBezKids, an interactive class for IDP and local children led by Iryna Vakulina / Dzyga art center
18:00 — “JazzRelocation”, open air in the chapel of Marek Ivashyshin
7:00 p.m. — Battle of trumpeters “Whose trumpet sounds more victorious?” with Sebastian Greschuk (Argentina)
20:00 — a big jam session
Tuesday, December 6
Musical performance by Vlodek Kaufman, Khalil Khalilov, Maryan Pirog / Singing field in the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life named after Klymenty Sheptytskyi (Shevchenkivsky Grove)