Patrol Officers Stopped Scooter Rider for Traffic Violations
Yesterday afternoon on Vyhovskoho Street, a patrol crew spotted a scooter rider driving on the sidewalk and carrying a passenger without a helmet. The inspectors stopped the violator.
Violations and Consequences
During communication with the 17-year-old driver, the patrol discovered that he had never received a driver’s license, and the two-wheeler was not registered as required.
- under part 1 of Article 122 (Driving vehicles on sidewalks and pedestrian paths) of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
- under part 6 of Article 121 (Operating a vehicle not registered in the prescribed manner without a license plate) of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
- under part 5 of Article 121 (Violation of helmet usage rules) of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
- and part 2 of Article 126 (Driving a vehicle by a person who is not authorized to drive such a vehicle) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
The minor driver was disqualified from driving. The materials were sent to court.