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Former head of a village council in Zolochiv district forged a pensioner’s will and appropriated her land plots

Former head of a village council in Zolochiv district to be tried for forging will of deceased pensioner and appropriating her land plots


Prosecutors of the Zolochiv District Prosecutor’s Office completed the pre-trial investigation and sent to court an indictment against a 33-year-old former head of a village council in Zolochiv district. He is charged with official forgery of an official document, use of a knowingly forged document, and abuse of power and office, which caused grave consequences (part 1 of Article 366, part 4 of Article 358, part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The investigation established that in 2020, the accused, using his official position, forged a certificate from the village council and a duplicate will on behalf of the deceased person. In particular, he provided false information that all the property belonging to the pensioner had been bequeathed to him.

Subsequently, he submitted the above-mentioned forged documents to a notary’s office and registered the inheritance of 2 land plots with a total area of almost 1.7 hectares.

Subsequently, the man applied to the session of the village council, which he chaired, with a request for permission to prepare technical land management documentation for the said land.

After preparing such documentation, he signed a decision of the session approving it and transferring the land plots worth almost UAH 900 thousand to his ownership.

At the request of the prosecutor, the land plots were seized.

The pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings was carried out by investigators of the Zolochiv District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Lviv region under the operational support of the Zolochiv District Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in Lviv region.

Note: In accordance with Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is presumed innocent of committing a crime and shall not be subjected to criminal punishment until his or her guilt is proved in accordance with the law and established by a court verdict of guilty.

Information Policy Department of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor‘s Office

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