Tonight, around 1 o’clock, the patrolmen who were on duty at the road police station in the village
Velykosilky, on the highway Kyiv — Chop, instructed the driver of the Dacia Logan car to stop.
He ignored her, but drove a short distance, the man lost control and pulled over to the side of the road. Patrol officers found signs of alcohol intoxication in the driver. He was offered to undergo a test and expressed his desire to undergo it in a medical institution.
In the hospital, the man offered the patrolmen 10,000 hryvnias of illegal profit. The police warned the driver of criminal liability. He passed the test and the result was 1.89 ppm.
Having gone out with the police, the man decided to try his luck further and offered 15,000 hryvnias, and when he heard the refusal, he offered 20,000 hryvnias.
Patrol officers called an investigative team to the scene. All the necessary resolutions were issued against the violator and a protocol was drawn up in accordance with part 2 of Art. 130 (Repeated within a year driving a vehicle while intoxicated) Code of Criminal Procedure.
Now the man faces criminal liability under Art. 369 (Offer, promise or provision of an unlawful benefit to an official) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
We emphasize to drivers that it is forbidden to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. Do not offer bribes – learn to be responsible for your actions.