The attacker brutally beat his victim in an underground passage, intending to take his life and took possession of his property. Fortunately, after the assailant ran away, the barely alive man was discovered by a cleaner – she called medics to the scene, who saved his life.
A woman found a beaten man, who still showed signs of life, on the morning of August 16 in an underpass on Horodotsky Street in Lviv. She called an emergency medical team to the scene – doctors recorded severe injuries on the victim, in particular: rib fractures, numerous bruises on the head and body, a broken nose, and other injuries. Doctors managed to provide the patient with help in time, which saved his life and reported the incident to the police. The man was in a coma for almost a month.
Criminal police operatives and investigators of police department No. 1 of Lviv district police department No. 2, as well as employees of the Department of Criminal Analysis of the Police of Lviv Oblast were involved in solving the crime.
The beaten man turned out to be a 55-year-old resident of Lviv. Through the conducted measures, with the help of video surveillance cameras of the “Safe Lviv Region” system, the police established that a 17-year-old man from Lviv was involved in the crime, and within an hour searched for and detained him in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
It was also established that around two o’clock in the morning, the attacker attacked a passer-by in the underpass with the intention of killing and robbing. He inflicted numerous blows on the man’s head and other parts of the body, and then, seeing that the victim did not show signs of life, took possession of his property – a purse, a mobile phone and a wallet with money, after which he fled the scene.
Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings opened under the procedural leadership of the Frankiv District Prosecutor’s Office under part 2 of article 15, paragraph 6 of part 2 of article 115 (Attempt to kill for selfish motives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and part 4 of article 187 (Robbery ) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, completed. The indictment is referred to the court.
The maximum penalty for the accused is life imprisonment with confiscation of property.
Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police