Documents must be submitted by September 15.
As part of the implementation of the Business Support Program in Lviv Oblast for the period of martial law, the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Oblast Military Administration invites micro and small business entities – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to participate in the competition for business support vouchers for marketing purposes and product certification .
They provide marketing vouchers and vouchers for product certification – the right to non-refundable financial assistance in the amount of:
– no more than UAH 50,000 for marketing vouchers;
– no more than UAH 80,000 for vouchers for product certification.
The share of the economic entities’ own expenses for obtaining services within the scope of the tasks of this Program should be at least 30% of the total expenses.
During the year, each business entity can receive one voucher for reimbursement of part of the cost of works and services that it has paid to any legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has passed prequalification and can participate in the Program.
Pre-qualified companies eligible to provide services with a voucher at link.
Purposes for which vouchers are provided:
Vouchers for product certification:
– certification, which may include obtaining national certificates and conducting certification in international organizations;
Marketing vouchers:
– creating/updating websites, their promotion;
– development of product brand, logo, packaging design;
– distribution of products in online stores;
– participation in marketing events (exhibitions, promotional campaigns, fairs, business shows or other similar events);
– holding a promotional and marketing company.
Requirements for business entities that can receive a voucher:
Any business entity that meets the following requirements can apply to participate in the contest for vouchers:
1) falls under the definition of a micro- and small business entity in accordance with the provisions of the Economic Code of Ukraine;
2) works within all types of activities in accordance with KVED 2010, except for those that are subject to licensing;
3) has a registered location on the territory of Lviv region;
4) produces a physical product (independently or with the involvement of subcontractors, but is the owner of intellectual property rights) or provides services with high added value.
Package of documents for participation in the contest for obtaining vouchers:
1) Business development project according to the form specified in Appendix 1.
2) Commercial offer from a requalified company.
A commercial offer is prepared by a prequalified company in an arbitrary form, but with a mandatory indication of the name of the business entity to which it is provided, a description and the cost of the services that can be provided at the expense of the voucher.
Contest participants must submit the specified documents by September 15 to the Department of Economic Policy of the Regional Military Administration at the address: Lviv, str. Vinnychenko, 18.
Detailed information can also be obtained by phone: 299-92-79.