On the 18th of the 18th, a fierce alarm signal was announced about the alarm in the Lviv region. The threat, fortunately, failed. However, other unscrupulous telegram channels began to spread information about vibuhi nibits on the terenes of our region.
Such information is no longer the first time in the beginning of a large-scale war is expanding on various unreliable telegram channels. The head of the Lvіvsk OVA Maxim Kozitskiy officially asked for this information.
“Telegram channels, like they tell you about a threat and don’t tell when it happens, they have such information, better for everything, they spread fakes. Take a look at who you signed. Please tell me about your informational hygiene. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated,” Maxim Kozitsky said.
Nagoloshuєmo, as the first official dzherel, how can you tell about the operational situation in the region – the head of the Lviv regional police department. Behind yoga, you can follow the following social networks:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/maks.kozytskyy
Telegram – https://t.me/kozytskyy_maksym_official
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/kozytskiy.official/
Also, the operational situation in the region is reported on the website of the Lviv OVA and in social media:
Telegram – https://t.me/people_of_action
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/LvivskaODA
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lviv_oda/
About the threat of missile strikes, the beginning and the beginning of repeated alarms, officially inform the telegram channel to the Department of Civil Protection of the Lviv OVA. You can subscribe to the new one for the help – https://t.me/dczloda