More than 100 communities from all over the country take part in it, including five from the Lviv region.
The unified state register of addresses of Ukraine “Pilot 2.0” is a project implemented by the Ministry of Infrastructure together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and with the involvement of international donor partners.
The main goal is to prepare specialists in communities to create and maintain an address register. The project will last six weeks, and after its completion, specialists will have ready source materials/exchange files for further work in the system.
Over time, the communities participating in the pilot will help others and coordinate the scale-up of the project to the national level. In our region, these are: Lviv, Zhydachiv, Krasnen, Sokilnytsk and Chervonograd communities.
Address information is the second most used in legally significant documents, therefore poor-quality/unreliable/incomplete data cause many negative consequences for citizens, business representatives, local self-government bodies, and the state.
The address register will become the only complete and reliable source of information about existing addresses — every street, house, settlement will receive a unique, unchangeable identifier. This will help to solve:
problems with registration of property rights;
errors in calculating subsidies;
underpayment of taxes;
difficulties with the provision of social services;
possible inaccuracies in state registers (of voters, court decisions, damaged and destroyed property, etc.).
As a result, the address register will become part of the urban cadastre at the local and state levels.