Priority types of economic activity for communities are such fields as: agriculture, woodworking industry, food industry, logistics, construction, as well as the service sector.
The most important strength that these neighboring communities need to develop is their favorable border location, which forms their powerful logistics and transit potential.
The department of economic policy of the Lviv regional government informs.
After all, the implementation of the state investment project of high-speed railway connection between Warsaw and Kyiv via Lviv, the first stage of which is the construction of a new 8-km section of narrow-gauge railway between the city of Rava-Ruska and the state border (Grebenne), will become the fastest railway connection from the Lviv region to Warsaw.
In addition, today the public highway M-09, which coincides with part of the European road route E372 (Warsaw — Lviv), the Rava-Ruska – Grebenne road checkpoint and the Rava-Ruska – Derzhkordon railway checkpoint are already in operation. (Verhrata)” give great advantages not only to communities, but also to the region.
As the department of economic policy added, the priority types of economic activity for communities are such fields as: agriculture, woodworking industry, food industry, logistics (primarily, cargo transportation), construction, as well as the service sector (primarily, roadside services, hotels and restaurants ).
These communities equally need the creation of new industrial sites and logistics facilities to attract investments. This need is taken into account in the action plans for the implementation of strategies, in which the creation of industrial parks in the territories of communities, the activation and support of all business processes, the development of urban planning documentation and investment passports are planned for 2023-2025.
By 2027, the Dobrosynsko-Magheriv community will focus on renewable energy projects and environmental projects, as well as create an industrial park for agro-processing enterprises.
In Rava-Ruska, in order to overcome the problems of housing and communal services, it is planned to repair roads, reconstruct sewage treatment facilities, and install a garbage sorting line.
An important place in community strategies was given to the development of the youth environment. Thus, the development projects for young people in Rava-Ruska will be the creation of a Bibliohab (on the basis of the Rava-Ruska branch library for children), the establishment of the Rava-Ruska Youth School, the creation of a youth center in the city of Rava-Ruska, and the arrangement of youth spaces in Starosty districts . In the Dobrosynsko-Magerivska community – reconstruction of the former cinema building under the People’s House with a summer concert hall, creation of the “Forward and Upward” Youth Center, implementation of energy-saving measures in public houses.
We will remind that the Rava-Ruska and Dobrosynsko-Magerivska communities are among those communities that received support from the Lviv OVA in the process of forming development strategies.
Expert assistance during the meeting of the working groups was provided by HOVERLA / the USAID project in Ukraine and the Institute of Regional Studies named after MI Dolishnyi of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.