The meta approach is to promote the capacity of law enforcement agencies and state authorities of Ukraine to effectively intimidate, reveal, investigate law violations, as if they are in charge of the state budget of Ukraine and the financial interests of foreign donors.
Having welcomed the participants, the head of the Lviv OVA Maxim Kozitsky.
“To cheat in the form of paying taxes is to steal from the good children and fathers. Tse – choose your loved ones to have the opportunity to get good enlightenment, to receive the best medical services, to travel on repaired roads. The fight against economic evil and transparency on all levels is the key, over which we need to work at once, so that Ukraine will be appropriately taken over from the European homeland of the powers, ”designating the honorary mark of the region.
Maksim Kozitsky said that the Lviv region is ready to become a Maidan in the work of implementing EU standards for improving economic security.
“The Lviv OVA is ready to become a maydanchik for coordinating law enforcement agencies, suspіlstvo, state agencies, and public organizations in order to directly direct the development of mechanisms for the transparency of activity and life, like in the hour of war, so after it. It is critically important for us to fight against economic mischief, even if we clearly understand that the vision of the economy is one of the guarantees that we will be accepted from all the European powers. The task, as we set ourselves before us – ce dovira, dovira to the authorities, law enforcement agencies, trust in the suspіlstvo one to one. І tse zavdannya it is possible to implement less economically viciousness. I am glad that European partners believe in us like in the region. I believe in Ukraine. We will work everything so that we don’t get away. For everyone who encourages us to take this path, ”adding the honorary officer of the region.
In the middle of the conference, the Lviv regional plan for the fight against the shadow economy was presented.
the choice of resources of international and foreign donors, the supply of international and international cooperation in the region of economic security.
To improve the day, the participants will practice at three sessions. security, comprehensive support to the preparation of fahivtsiv in the sphere of struggle against the shadow economy just.
Call organizers: Lviv OVA at spivpratsі z Advisory Mission of the EU in Ukraine, Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine and Universities of Ukraine and Great Britain. Zahid vіdbuvsya online and offline.