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A system for monitoring land relations will be launched in Ukraine: what are the advantages

This system will be an integral part of the State Land Cadastre, which will be owned by the state.

On May 12, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 474 “On Public Monitoring of Land Relations.” The resolution provides for the creation of a system for monitoring land relations, which will be a component of the State Land Cadastre, the owner of which will be the state.

The introduction of such a system in the form of monitoring will ensure:

– availability of information on the state and development of land relations and incomes related to land use;

– constant monitoring of the state and development of land relations, their analysis, dynamics of changes;

– improving the quality of land resource management at the state, regional and local levels;

– control over compliance with the legal regime for the use of land resources;

– increasing the level of investment attractiveness and improving the business climate in Ukraine.

“I want to emphasize that until today there was no single open information base on the state of development of land relations in Ukraine. The creation of such a monitoring system will allow every citizen of Ukraine and business entity to have free access to the results of public monitoring of land relations and the land market,” said Tetyana Hetman, Director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Lviv OVA.


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