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In Lviv, the construction of a solid waste processing complex is underway

According to the results of the international tender, the construction of the plant is being carried out by a Polish company.

Deputy head of the Lviv OVA, Yuriy Buchko, together with Acting Director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources, Oksana Viytyk, visited the construction of a mechano-biological complex for overloading and recycling of solid household waste on St. Plastova.

They inspected the progress of works on the construction of the complex. As of today, the contractor has completed 100% of the design work and 80% of the work documentation has been prepared. Construction works are completed by 30%.

According to the results of the international tender, the construction of the plant is being carried out by the Polish company Control Process S.A. The total value of the contract (equipment and works) is EUR 34.817 million.

The project is implemented on the basis of contract terms developed by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers FIDIC. The complex of services for engineering and technical supervision and control over the quality and safety of construction and assembly works is provided by the Lithuanian company Hidroterra Ltd, which was selected on the basis of an international competition and approved by the EBRD.

The contractor, in accordance with the terms of the contract, must provide appropriate technological equipment that will ensure the reception, sorting, biological treatment of solid household waste and, as a result, obtaining recycled materials (plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, metal), recovered fuel (pre-RDF) and biologically inert residues that will be buried at a solid household waste landfill.

“Despite all the discussions going on in society around the construction and implementation of waste processing plants on the territory of Ukraine, we, as a European state, cannot continue to bury all waste in landfills. Sorting and processing of waste is an ecological alternative to their usual disposal. The operation of this plant in Lviv will allow to reduce the amount of resources used, reduce the load on existing landfills for solid household waste, and also reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said the Acting Director. Oksana Viytyk, Director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources.


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