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Buy only chipped ones: the police of the Lviv Region have started raids to check the legality of the sale of Christmas trees

Law enforcement officers, together with employees of the Regional State Inspectorate and the Lviv Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, began comprehensive raid checks to prevent the illegal felling and sale of Christmas trees.

In particular, law enforcement officers visit markets and places of spontaneous trade, as well as forest farms, where they check documents for the right to cut down or sell Christmas trees.

Criminals involved in illegal felling or sales of coniferous plantations will be subject to administrative and criminal liability.

In particular, for violation of Article 65 (Illegal destruction or damage to forest crops) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, a fine of up to sixty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens and officials – up to three hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens, Article 159 (Violation of trade rules) on the markets) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses – imposition of a fine on citizens up to three non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, on officials – up to seven non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, Article 160 (Trading from hands in unspecified places) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses – imposition of a fine up to seven tax-free minimum incomes of citizens with or without confiscation of trade items.

In addition to administrative liability, the violator may also face criminal charges – under Article 246 (Illegal felling or illegal transportation, storage, sale of wood) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty provided by the sanctions of the article is imprisonment for a term of up to seven years.

Therefore, the police of the Lviv region urge residents to buy only legally cut Christmas trees and only at specially designated sales points.

Implementers must have relevant documents for products, in addition, all trees must be chipped.

If you discover facts of illegal felling or illegal trade of Christmas trees, report it to the emergency line 102.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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