The initiative provides informational support for victims of domestic violence.
In the Lviv region, the project “Love does not fight” was launched, which aims to raise the topic of domestic violence in the public sphere. Managers, the police, social workers, psychologists, lawyers and representatives of relevant public organizations are jointly launching an information campaign and working out a road map in order to protect adults and children from possible physical assaults.
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The project participants also aim to offer victims of domestic violence ways out of crisis situations, which can be used in Lviv Oblast.
“Domestic violence, unfortunately, is very often a topic that is behind closed doors. Moreover, often its victims do not know how and cannot find a way out of a difficult situation and are themselves subject to public condemnation. During a state of war, the human psyche can be even more unstable, our region is bordering the EU, thousands of internally displaced persons arrive here, here, as everywhere in Ukraine, there is also an economic recession that affects the well-being and atmosphere in families. That’s why we need to pay even more attention to the topic of domestic violence right now,” said Khrystyna Zamula, head of the Lviv District Military Administration.
Lviv RVA became a partner of the project, which is implemented by the BF “Perspektiva Nova” with the support of CommsHub Ukraine. Within the framework of several months of work, volunteers of the charitable foundation plan to create a road map together with experts to help those who suffer from domestic violence, as well as issue information booklets, posters, conduct training for social workers of all communities of the Lviv district, present the work to journalists and the public.
Therefore, the first meeting of project experts took place yesterday, February 13. Its participants were psychologist Zoryana Kruchak, specialist of the Lviv Regional Center of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth Tetyana Kunynets, specialist of the Children’s Service of the Lviv District Ivanna Dyakivnych, lawyer, lawyer who deals with cases related to domestic violence, Yuliya Vasylyk and Hrystyna Zamula, head of the Lviv District Military Administration.
“Adults and children suffer from domestic violence. The share of men is, of course, smaller – 2-3%, but it is also there. One of the biggest problems for a woman who finds herself in difficult circumstances, when the cycle of violence is closed and when it is no longer possible to stay in the family, is to support herself economically. If the offender is a classic psychopath, his victim needs to regain self-confidence, sometimes help to get a new profession, support economically and legally. If we are talking about children who very often experience physical and psychological violence in their families, then it is necessary to work with the parents as well. Very often, parents do not understand that they themselves commit violence or that their lifestyle is a bad example for children, and they will repeat everything in their families. We cannot all be rich, but we can all be happy – this is what we, psychologists, want to convey to a person who finds himself in such difficult circumstances. This is what we want to help with,” emphasized Zoryana Kruchak.
Note that on November 1, 2022, the Istanbul Convention aimed at protecting, preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence entered into force for Ukraine.
“Unfortunately, our police often side with the offender if it is a man. We often hear “it’s her own fault” about a woman who suffers from domestic violence. However, currently the legislation of Ukraine is slowly but improving. for example, it is no longer possible to pick up a statement against the offender the next day – it will definitely reach the court. Because how was it before? They filed a statement, in the morning he brought flowers, bought a gift, reconciled, came to the police and took the statement. Now it won’t work like that. And the second: domestic violence is a criminal offense that can entail up to 3 years of imprisonment. Recently, a 68-year-old man who beat his wife was sentenced to such a degree of punishment in Ukraine. Often the victims do not believe in the responsibility of the offender, it is often difficult to bring him to her, and this fear also becomes a barrier to seek help,” explained lawyer Yuliya Vasylyk.
The main goal of the project is to consolidate the work of all government structures and civil society to conduct an information campaign and develop a clear algorithm of actions for each individual territorial community of the Lviv district, as well as to increase the awareness of women, men and children about their possible actions in the event that they become victims of violence .