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Rescuers extinguished 58 dry grass fires in Lviv region over the previous day

Лише за вчорашній день, 7 вересня, на Львівщині спіймали на «гарячому» 4 паліїв сухої трави

Special raid teams work daily in the Lviv region to detect arsonists

Only yesterday, 7 September, 4 dry grass arsonists were caught red-handed in the Lviv region, and administrative reports were drawn up against them.

Over the past day, rescuers in the Lviv region have fought 58 dead wood fires. Imagine the scale of this disaster: the fire destroyed more than 12 hectares of all living things! Each arson means not only destroyed nature, but also a threat to people, animals and even houses.

Firefighters extinguished fires in open areas in Lviv, Drohobych, Zolochiv, Lviv, Stryi, Chervonohrad and Yavoriv districts.

Rescuers are also conducting outreach to the public. Citizens receive information leaflets on the prohibition of burning dry grass, the danger posed by such fires, and information on penalties.

We emphasise once again that the burning of dry grass, shrubs, garbage and other vegetation is PROHIBITED! Such arson is punishable by law in the form of a fine:

  • for citizens from 3,060 to 6,120;
  • for officials – 15,300 to 21,420.

We would like to emphasise that raid teams work daily throughout the Lviv region. The work of these groups is aimed at bringing those responsible for burning dry vegetation to justice in accordance with the law.

Don’t burn dry траву❗️

Firstly, it can take lives;

Secondly, it kills nature, burns out the fertile soil layer, kills animals and insects, and pollutes the air;

Thirdly, it adds to the work of rescuers;

Fourth, the fire destroys infrastructure;

Fifth, there are fines for citizens ranging from UAH 3,060 to UAH 6,120.

Use common sense and realise that this kind of business is only bad for you.

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