On March 30, about 02:48 to the Poryatunka Service “101”, it was necessary to inform about the fire in the Chervonograd metro station on the vul. Stus Chervonogradsky district. Pozhezha vinikla in the basement of a five-overhead living house.
Until the month of June, the rites of the 33rd sovereign part of the Chervonograd metro station were hovering.
At the time of the arrival of the firefighters until the month of Sunday, the entire exit cell of the booth was filled with the products of the fire from the fire. In their madness there were people who could not go out on their own in the fresh air and called for help from the balconies.
The fire fighters turned on at the special apparatus for the protection of the organs of the respiratory tract and, in parallel with the liquidation of the fire, carried out the evacuation of the bagmen’s booth. So, zokrema, from the smoldering premises near the outbuildings, the firefighters brought 7 people on fresh air, including 3 children.
About 03:30 the firefighters localized the fire, but about 03:59 they liquidated it. Afterwards, burn the fire with the speech of the butt-butt wine on the area of 4 sq.m.
Before the liquidation, 8 people of a special warehouse and 2 units of special equipment were hired. The reasons for that furnishing the vindication will soon be restored.