WARNING! Ice and gust warnings
According to the Lviv Regional Center for Hydrometeorology of Ukraine, on the territory of the Lviv region and the city of Lviv on January 16, there was ice on the roads. West wind gusts of 15-20 m/s in places.
The head office of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Lviv region calls on citizens to observe safety rules and to be alert and cautious while on the street.
Try not to walk under sprawling trees, and stay away from billboards, power lines, and rooftops.
Also, in bad weather conditions, in particular, ice and snow, drivers of vehicles should be extremely careful. Observe the speed regime, the distance and refuse risky maneuvers that, under adverse weather conditions, can lead to the creation of emergency situations.
We ask you to be responsible for your own life and the lives of your relatives and in case of danger, call the Rescue Service “101”.