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Today on the territory of Lviv Oblast, wet snow and ice are expected to stick

According to the Lviv Regional Center for Hydrometeorology of Ukraine, on the territory of the Lviv region and the city of Lviv on December 12, wet snow and ice will stick. There is ice on the roads. (I level of danger, yellow).

In connection with the gradual decrease in air temperature, the appearance of primary ice phenomena in the form of banks and slush is expected on the mountain tributaries of the Dniester on December 12-15.

Emergency officials of the Lviv region call on citizens to be careful and to be responsible for their own lives and the lives of others.

In bad weather conditions, in particular, on ice, drivers of vehicles should be extremely careful.

Observe the speed regime, the distance and refuse risky maneuvers that, under adverse weather conditions, can lead to the creation of emergency situations.

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