Preparatory work on the restoration of the destroyed mosaic “Information space”, which was located in a private room on the street. Volodymyr Velyky, 2, is planned to start in the spring of this year.
The panel will be restored by a team of specialists led by Vasyl Sivak, an artist and teacher of the Lviv National Academy of Arts, who has been creating mosaics in Ukrainian churches for 17 years.
As the director of TDV “Torgpresa” told, which is the owner of the premises on the street. Volodymyra Velykyho, 2, Serhiy Vasechko, the mosaic will be restored not on the same wall, but on the second floor of the building. At the same time, all parameters of the panel will be saved. This decision was agreed with art critics and scientists and supported by the Lviv Union of Artists. “The mosaic will be placed in a better place, with better daylight, with better visibility – on the 2nd floor in the lobby. The panel will be integrated into the new modern interior and will be freely accessible,” said Serhiy Vasechko.
All work on the reproduction of the “Information Space” mosaic will be financed by the “Torgpresa” TDV.
“This is a great example of transformation from indifference and devaluation of the surrounding heritage to a sincere desire to recreate a mosaic with the involvement of the best materials and specialists. For us, this cooperation is very valuable,” noted Nataliya Alekseeva, manager of affairs of the executive committee of the city council.
According to the artist Vasyl Sivak, the preparatory work is planned to start in the spring, under favorable temperature regimes. In particular, it is about the preparation of the wall. And also – 3D scanning of a drawing, transferring it to a new wall, etc. They will also continue to collect material for panels in parallel. They will be able to start laying out the mosaic itself approximately in the summer.
“The first stage is the preparation of the wall itself. Technological aspects are important here. It is best to do this when there will be no frost. Probably not earlier than March. It also takes time for the wall to dry well. Next, you need to make a 3D scan of the saved drawing, superimpose a digitized image of the panel on it, and transfer the drawing to the prepared wall. Next, you can start the mosaic laying process. It will be approximately in the summer.
While we wait for favorable weather conditions, we continue to collect material for panels. And this is very difficult. It can last up to six months,” said Vasyl Sivak.
In addition, the artist’s latest works can be seen on the dome and in the altar part of the Church of Saint Sophia – Wisdom of God on the campus of UCU. These mosaics were created in collaboration with the artist Lyuba Yatskiv.
We will remind you that in the autumn of last year, information appeared on social networks that in the interior of the building on the street Volodymyr Veliky, 2, the unique 40-year-old mosaic “Information Space” was destroyed. Back in 2019, this panel by Bohdan Soyka was included in the list of valuables and was subject to protection. The position of the city was clear: the mosaic canvas must be restored. As Serhii Vasechko noted at the time, the mosaic was not destroyed on purpose, but collapsed over time and due to a leak in the roof. Since he did not consider the panel valuable, he accordingly did not take any measures to save it from destruction. However, he agreed with the request of the city council and undertook to restore it.