The Lviv Regional Centre for Hydrometeorology has announced that an extreme (class 5) fire hazard is expected in the city of Lviv on 9-12 July.
We urge you to consider the forecast and follow fire safety rules.
We remind you that unauthorised burning of dry vegetation, which is prohibited in Ukraine, is punishable by a fine of UAH 3,060 to UAH 6,120, and for officials – UAH 15,300 to UAH 21,420. For the same actions committed on the territory of nature reserves, arsonists face a fine of UAH 6,120 to 12,240. And in wartime, such actions are equated with sabotage, which entails criminal liability (imprisonment for 10 to 15 years).
Citizens are also reminded to call 102 and 103 if they see dry vegetation burning or arsonists.
Earlier, Lviv doctors reminded people of simple and important tips on how to escape the heat, which can be dangerous to health, especially for those with chronic diseases.